Product line → Infotech Lesinform
Geomonitoring and forest
management system
Monitoring and management
of forest fire hazards
Immediate information about fire
locations on the interactive map
System features
Forestry geomonitoring
- Visualized data on forest management sites and territories
- Display of fires on the map
- Current information on the location of firefighters’ teams
Emergency situations center
- Forest fire monitoring and control of fire extinguishing operations
- Receiving public complaints about smoke and fires
- Recording and monitoring f problems solved (such as fire, illegal logging, etc.)
- Exchange of operational data with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Forestry Agency and other agencies
Planning and monitoring forestry operations
- Planning operations planning and appointing parties in charge
- Supervising the quality, timing and scope of work
- Monitoring compliance of activities with forest legislation
Automated accounting of tenants
- Accounting for leased forest plots
- Monitoring the lease terms of forest plots
- Checking the conformity of a tenant’s activity in the forest plot with the lease agreement
Monitoring vehicles
- Tracking the current location and routes of the vehicle
- Monitoring the vehicles’ technical readiness for calls
- Selecting the best route to the forest fire location
- Monitoring the consumption of fuel and lubricants
Comprehensive analytics and reporting
- Automated reporting using templates and forms of organization
- Forecasting the development and process of forest fire fighting
- Forecasting the occurrence of forest fires
- Inventory analysis for the purpose of forest management and logging planning
Infotech Lesinform users include
Moscow Region Forestry
Moscow Region Forestry
Integration with remote monitoring information system of the Federal Forestry Agency
Integration with any
IT systems of an organization
Customization for the
customer’s specific tasks
Benefits from the implementation of the system
Centralized recording of forestry data
Visualizing information on the status and use of forest resources on the map
Remote control of forestry operations and fire prevention activities
Forecasting forest management costs
Planning firefighting measures based on forecasts
Comprehensive analytics and automated reporting
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